From Alissa Bernstein: What would it take for a meat counter in an upscale grocery store that carries local, organic, hormone-free meats to put Spam amongst their plump and perfectly cut filets?
Information for prospective students of Eat-Think-Design in Spring 2014
Our first class session of PH290-2: Eat-Think-Design will be held today, Wed-22-Jan-2014, from 4:00-7:00pm in 254 Dwinelle Hall. The following information is for prospective students…
What we ate on Thanksgiving
To introduce the course development team – and to explore our own relationships with food – we’ve cataloged what we each made for Thanksgiving this year. Each of us answered three questions: 1) What did you cook? 2) Who did you cook it for? 3) What was the best reaction to it?
Eating bugs: Innovating around disgust
Late last week, I was invited to speak to the Interdisciplinary MPH program at Berkeley about the innovation process. I thought it also would be a good opportunity to try out one of the topics we’re exploring for the spring, when we focus on food: eating bugs.
SOCAP2013: Global HIV & US food systems, common challenges
After attending two SOCAP2013 food panels, I realized that we’re dealing with identical problems in global HIV treatment and US food systems.
Food system “megatrends”
Michigan State University’s Global Center for Food Systems Innovation is sponsoring a Student Innovation Challenges competition, seeking out courses that pursue solutions to big food systems problems in East Africa and beyond.
Our next challenge
We are rearchitecting Designing Innovative Public Health Solutions in Spring 2014 to focus on a single theme that is critical to both global and US health. Our next challenge? Food.